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Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom of pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.

By Frederick Buechner | comments
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Rating: 8.4 | Votes: 5
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.

Don Miguel Ruiz
By Don Miguel Ruiz | comments
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Rating: 8.39 | Votes: 67
To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground.

By Stephen Covey | comments
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Rating: 8.39 | Votes: 64
At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.

By Barbara Bush | comments
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Rating: 8.38 | Votes: 72
For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But here was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that this was my life. This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way

By Alfred D Souza | comments
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Rating: 8.36 | Votes: 83
It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.

By Dale Carnegie | comments
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Rating: 8.36 | Votes: 50
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

William Arthur Ward
By William Arthur Ward | comments
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Rating: 8.36 | Votes: 11
If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well.

By Martin Luther King | comments
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Rating: 8.35 | Votes: 34
A great mentor is one who aims for others' abilities to surpass his own.

By Unknown | comments
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Rating: 8.34 | Votes: 41
The main cause for failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want at the moment.

By Unknown | comments
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Rating: 8.33 | Votes: 51
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