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Submitted by Unknown This beautifully written book helps the reader breathe, see, cry, rejoice, understand, feel and love as purely as children do.
Submitted by Unknown This book alone has inspired me and given me strength that I never knew I could have. It is so easy to read, and so short, but has touched my life forever.
Submitted by: CR from UK DON'T get the latest translation of this book! Get hold of Katherine Woods' translation - it's profoundly better
Submitted by: Becky from Texas This book is absolutely amazing. I love it because it has taught me so much about life and love. I recommend this book to everyone.
Submitted by: Becky from Texas I went to Austin to see the play and I ended up going to my school library to see if they had the book. They did and they told me that I could keep it. I fell in love with the book. It was extremely awesome. It has taught me a lot about life, love, friendship, and relationships. It has also taught me that the things that are important are the things that are not seen. I love this book and I recommend it to everyone. It is an eye opener. I hope that a lot of people read this book and enjoy it as much as I did.
Submitted by: Manou from Port-au-Prince, Haiti I have been reading this book once a year since 1988, more than I have read any other book in its entirety. The simplicity and profoundness in which it unveils sincerity, paints the meaning of life, reveals the sense of purpose and joy that can be found in learning to appreciate and value the most ordinary things make it to me extraordinary unique. It is truly a book for children from age 5 to 99.